We all have goals that we have set for our collections.

Bigdragon, you make an excellent point. While it may sound impertinent to some, I'll contrast the goal oriented approach to a more randomized 'buy what you like' approach.

Before folks jump all over me for this, I'll note there is often an evolution along the path of collecting Harbour Lights. It can start with a 'buy what you like' approach, but some get into the hobby enough to think about what motivates them to collect, ask themselves if there are some models they should purchase before other models; this question can lead to an acquisition plan.

The idea of acquiring a collection according to a plan is a topic we've discussed in the past. Imo some plans are more successful than others, and I've ventured to lay out what I believe to be a rational approach that is every bit as much fun as a more random one.

If you're interested, check out these factoids wherein the topic is tackled with a somewhat analytical bent.

HL Factoid #11 part 1 - What to Buy?

HL Factoid #11 part 2 - What to Buy?

HL Factoid #11 part 3 - What to Buy?

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 02-01-2002).]