Still the Best!

Posted By: flacoastie

Still the Best! - 08/02/04 01:46 AM

After spending a lazy Sunday afternoon doing nothing but surfing the Web looking at numerous lighthouse sites I have come to this conclusion. and the Collector's Forums is still the best there is. I spent hours reading over various topics on other sites and the discussions are lackluster to say the least. I did not run into a topic that is more interesting then our least interesting topic, in my opinion. The topics were uninteresting and contained nothing that a person could sink their teeth into. From what I read on these sites a person could rob a bank and it would be ok with the rest of the members. This is pretty sickening, again in my opinion. Our Forums here are interesting and have body compared to the others. The only thing we are lacking is input from our large membership. If we're not careful our site could go dead from not having new inputs from our members and this would be terrible because without this site Harbour Lights would suffer and we in general would suffer.

I challenge all who read this post and have disaggreements with Harbour Lights, this Forum and any other problems in general to take the Sunday Challenge. Visit the other lighthouse sites and see what I'm talking about. They are borinnnnnng and contain nothing but off the wall posts from the majority of the posters. I have had my say and hope to hear from a lot of our members on this subject and hope that you all will take the Sunday challenge.
Posted By: seagirt

Re: Still the Best! - 08/02/04 02:54 AM

You're right, Rich. I have seen other groups...there is never any meat to the talking. Here, you can always find some juicy topic to get excited it the new HL releases, the recurrent "is the market dead", the latest breaking lighthouse news, have a good laugh, or just to go back and forth about nothing.

The one thing that is nice, too, here, is that, while we are called the Collector Forums, we strike a nice balance between HL and "real" lighthouse conversation. The HL part gives a whole different dimension to the place...not like the one-sided lighthouse-only groups.

This is my favorite website, and, other than Google, the one I visit the most daily. However, we are definitely having a participation decline. We need to "rally the troops". Some of you may have seen the pie chart I made the other day of the amount of people in each rank (Wacko, Newbie, Saint, etc.). Less than ONE QUARTER have made more than 50 posts. There's great ideas, thoughts, and people out there in the depths of our member directory...all they have to do is come out of their shell.

If you're a newbie reading this, then take action yourself! Like lighthouses? Like Harbour Lights? It's easy to be active...just press that "add reply" or "add topic" button and type! Your a member in no time! laugh

Getting off the soapbox, whatever that is...
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Still the Best! - 08/02/04 03:16 AM

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Rich. I also prefer The Collector Forums over other sites because of the diversity and different opinions. Don't always agree with some of the comments, and don't always choose to post. But that is what is great about the Forums. Everyone is welcome to post and share their thoughts.

Greg, participation tends to slow down during the summer months when people spend more time outside. That aside, the fact that many people choose to not post is not all that uncommon. I would venture a guess that there are many people who follow the goings on here very closely, but simply choose not to post. As much as I would like to see them post, I am glad that they do participate by reading the posts.
Posted By: DANIEL

Re: Still the Best! - 08/02/04 04:01 AM

I never wonder any other place, because I know that this forum is the best. It covers all my lighthouse needs. It is because of the few active members that work hard and keep this forum going.
I feel that this forum will never die because of the deicated diehearted collectors that keep this forum alive and above the rest.

Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Still the Best! - 08/09/04 02:59 AM

"Still the best..." You mean there are OTHERS?
Posted By: Bob Ott

Re: Still the Best! - 08/10/04 12:53 AM


Posted By: Tammy Wolfe

Re: Still the Best! - 08/11/04 03:21 AM

This site and Harbour Lights are the only lighthouse sites that I have bookmarked. I really look forward to checking this site, especially after an event. Like some, I don't post as often in the summer. Around the time we're getting ready for a vacation, I sometimes only have time to login to check my e-mail. We took 4 vacations in 4 months.

Hey Bob, I thought you were going to be fishing in northern Wisconsin.
Posted By: Bob Ott

Re: Still the Best! - 08/11/04 03:57 PM

Yes Tammy,

You are correct. But the fish were all asleep. Too hot, I think. So we went back to my brother's house to prep it for sale. I mowed down a few dead trees with a chain saw and took a lot of orders from my sister-in-law. But the house sold yesterday.

We'll drive to the Rice Lake area on Friday and try the fishing adventure once again. The weather has gotten cooler, so maybe they'll be a tad more active.

Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 09/01/04 01:43 AM

yeah, real active site, last post was 20 days ago on this thread
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Still the Best! - 09/01/04 03:09 AM

As of today, 27 active threads on this forum. They can't all be active all the time. But you're welcome to join in with us and participate, comment, or criticize.

We welcome you. You've just made this thread have zero days since it's last post.
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Still the Best! - 09/01/04 03:21 AM

Admittedly so, summer can be a little slower here at the Collector Forums, but wait and see how things pick up this fall and winter. Today is a perfect example right in this thread. There have been three posts just today.

Now roll that beautiful bean footage!

smile Bob smile
Posted By: seagirt

Re: Still the Best! - 09/01/04 03:34 AM

We'll probably get a big pickup in usage soon between the summer ending frown and the Reunion news... laugh
Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 09/01/04 03:50 AM

i guess so, i am more partial to canadian lights and there doesn't seem to be a forum for them
Posted By: mombo

Re: Still the Best! - 09/01/04 04:15 AM

Ron, we don't have specific forums here for lighthouses from specific areas. "Lighthouse Duty" covers all of them regardless of location. I've enjoyed visiting many Canadian lighthouses and have then posted trip tales under "The Map Room". "Lighthouse Photography" also can include photos of lighthouses anywhere. If you have information and/or photos of Canadian lights please do share them with us! smile
Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 09/01/04 04:36 AM

oh i have many of information or pictures, of keepers, of lights and in fact am just hoping to come in pocession of photos from 1910-1950 era of canadian lights (great lakes)
Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 03:41 AM

well i gave it a month and this is a pretty boring lighthouse website. any of you guys visit
Posted By: DANIEL

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 04:54 AM

Hi Ron154
This forum covers many areas of lighthouseing.
The forum was originally created for collectors of Harbour Light collectables
And has grown to 28 topics covering pretty much all the basics of lighthouses lovers needs.
I recommend that you start a new topic. Our topics move fast and after a few days to a week a topic usually dies even though new subjects may have been entered.

Re-enter this subject under "Lighthouse Duty"
Also to answer your question about finding pictures of Canadian Lighthouses.
I highly recommend ebay. Set your search for “photos of Canadian lighthouses”
Or postcards of lighthouses. For better luck set your search for each individual lighthouse you are interested in.
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 01:13 PM

well i gave it a month and this is a pretty boring lighthouse website. any of you guys visit
Looks like a ploy to try and drag people over to your place, Ron. I'm glad you think our site is at least "pretty". I wouldn't say it is boring. We could have the people at the FSB send their tutor, "Blind Tony", over to your house for some individual one-on-one instruction on how to derive the most from our site. No introduction will be necessary. Blind Tony will be the only guy pulling into your driveway with a Turbo Yugo. He is a rather large individual with more hair on his knuckles then there is on my dog's head. A word of warning, if you have underground sprinklers for your lawn, make sure they are off before he arrives. He turns into a real animal when he gets wet.

eek Bob eek
Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 01:53 PM

not my place bob
Posted By: mombo

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 05:05 PM

Ron, I am a member of as well as this forum , although I haven't spent much time over there lately.

As Daniel has stated above, this forum has primarily been composed of Harbour Lights collectors but all lighthouse enthusiasts are welcome as the topics are now more diverse. is a good site also and is primarily focused on the lighthouses themselves, with a forum for collecting miniatures.

Each forum has it's "regulars" who have a tendency to "chit-chat" on many topics not always lighthouse or lighthouse collecting related. If you're not familiar or aquainted with those involved I don't imagine those topics would be very interesting either place.

Any forum is only as good as the contributors make it. Once again, if you have some interesting items to contribute, please feel free to do so. I'm not entirely sure, but aren't you a former Canadian lightkeeper?
Posted By: pierhead

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 06:37 PM

I too am a "member" of I joined it in February of '03 and liked it so much that I never posted. Didn't find it very interesting. I suppose I could have posted something telling everyone what a @#$$#! website they had. That thought never really crossed my mind though. I just didn't go back. Let's take a long look at all the interesting conversations and discussions you've started/taken part in during your long three weeks here Ron.'ve only made a handful of posts in this one thread. And they've all been very constructive interesting statements. Give me a break.
Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 07:05 PM

i guess i should try harder
Posted By: rscroope

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 07:44 PM

Originally posted by ron154:
well i gave it a month and this is a pretty boring lighthouse website. any of you guys visit
Apparently not that's why you're visiting here? If it's so boring why are you trying to steer all the boring people to your site?

To each, their own. I'm sure both sites have their +'s and -'s. Other people on this Forum with their own website usually try to say something of interest to refer someone to their site.

Posted By: mombo

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 09:09 PM

First of all is not Ron's website. It's Ross Tracy's. Some time ago Ross stopped by here and invited us to have a look. So I did and of course in order to post you have to "join".

There has been some quite good info on lighthouses, visiting, preservation stuff and photo sharing, etc. There is also quite a bit of personal interplay, much of which I don't care much about as I don't know the people. And you have to visit often to stay in touch with it. Frequenting both forums for that purpose can be time consuming so most of my time is spent here 'cuz I "know" the people better. That's not to say that there aren't some interesting folks "over there".

There are a number of folks from here, there and some from there stop by here.

I don't think we need to get into site bashing, or mud slinging. If you don't care for a site/forum no one makes you go there.

As for Ron, he seems to be a man of few words. If he chooses to come forward with some more info on himself and just what he's looking for perhaps we'll be able to help him find it, if it's here.
Posted By: MelJB

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 09:56 PM

Well said Sue!
Posted By: pierhead

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 10:12 PM

Here here (or hear hear)
Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 10:57 PM

my apologies, it was a stupid thing to say
Posted By: seagirt

Re: Still the Best! - 09/24/04 11:16 PM

Apologies 100% accepted, Ron. We all say stupid things sometimes. It's part of life. I hope you probe into our group further...we'd love to have you here! My tip is to dig into the archives a bit, get a feel for the site. Any new environment takes a bit of getting used to...this one is easier than many.

I hope you continue to be a member of the Collector Forums. You seem like an interesting person! smile
Posted By: Grover

Re: Still the Best! - 09/25/04 05:12 AM


I'm not feeling the love ...

How about just being positive and proud of where we are here without knocking other's efforts? I'm new. I'm without much standing and seeking the same comfort level I've found elsewhere. Much of this thread does not lend itself to that.

Why feel the need to be negative, to cast aspersions and ill will towards the efforts of others who expand the love and knowledge of the subject we all cherish and share?

Aren't we all trying to enlarge the base of lighthouse enthusiasts?

This appears to be a tight-knit, well organized, and highly loyal group of posters ... that's great. Be proud of that. Other sites have different tones, different demeanors ... opinions and information is expressed and shared in alternate styles.

Different isn't bad .. its just different.

Pride is one thing ... arrogance quite another ... I was touted onto this site by the references and allusions of others. I stopped by, "saw" some familiar names and faces, and decided to stick around awhile.

I would like to stay around a little bit longer .. but as I said, one needs to feel the loving a bit ...

Enjoy your weekend ... solemn best wishes to those observing tonight and tomorrow ...

Posted By: DANIEL

Re: Still the Best! - 09/25/04 02:11 PM

Maybe we can get you interested in harbour Lights?
Have you seen the Canadian Figurines?

My Favorite:

Here are some Canadian lighthouse internet sights
Posted By: seagirt

Re: Still the Best! - 11/06/04 06:01 PM

Bringing this topic to its original...well, topic...

Over the past few months, I have been looking around for the "perfect forum" for some of my other interests, much as I have found the "perfect forum" for lighthouses here. From these explorations, I can vouch that this is not only the best lighthouse forum, but it is the best forum PERIOD on any of my interests.

As evidenced by my profile, in addition to lighthouses, I also spend much of my web browsing time researching ocean liners, Land Rovers, and Olympics stuff. I went looking for the ultimate forum for each of these, and I am still looking.

First, I went to some cruise sites. I was really looking for a place to discuss the Cunard liners, both their history and "current events". I found one that looked kind of nice. I went for a several-week "trial period" of reading some posts.

But it wasn't what I was looking for. It was mostly a bunch of people saying "Who's going on the 10/16 Westbound Transatlantic?" or "How is my cabin layed out?" One day, maybe I will peruse this forum for these kinds of questions when I finally sail upon a Cunard liner, but right now, it's useless. Many other forums were the same (though I did find one where the relief captain of the QM2 often posts).

Then I went on a quest for a Land Rover forum. I found one on a great website focused on my favorite of the Land Rover vehicles, the Discovery (may you rest in peace). I love the website, and frequent the content sections often, but the forum was not what I wanted.

First of all, they cursed a LOT. That's what I like's very "Greg Friendly". I really only explored the non-technical sections of the site. But it just wasn't for me. They swayed off topic a lot, and it felt like a group where it was very difficult to get into if you're new. Unfortunately, this is really the only freqented Land Rover site. I am going to continue reading it to get all the rumours and news, but I won't be posting.

Finally I went looking for an Olympic site. I found one focused on Olympic Bids, which is what my pin collecting focuses on. It also had places to talk about the upcoming "confirmed" games.

But this was the worst of them all. There was barely a topic where there was not "Your country sucks", "Americans/Canadians/Brits/Aussies/etc. are the best" or arguements about name calling in foreign languages. I couldn't stand it. Considering that the site has a GREAT content section, I was highly dissapointed by their forum.

So, I have come to the conclusion...the CF is the best forum I know of on the 'net on any topic. We don't use language alot. The parts of this topic above this post are one of the rare examples of arguing. We always have fresh, interesting, new content. I have not found another forum as great as this, and I think it's a hopeless quest.

The CF is truly still the best. laugh
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Still the Best! - 11/07/04 02:53 AM

So, I have come to the conclusion...the CF is the best forum I know of on the 'net on any topic. We don't use language alot. The parts of this topic above this post are one of the rare examples of arguing. We always have fresh, interesting, new content. I have not found another forum as great as this, and I think it's a hopeless quest.

The CF is truly still the best.
I agree 100 per cent with you and the reason is that we have a great bunch of people here.
Posted By: Grover

Re: Still the Best! - 11/07/04 03:28 AM

Greg ... Mike ...

Forums were devised for the expression of opinions. The exchange of ideas and passions is what the net in general and the forums in particular seem to have been created for.

I'll only comment on the wisdom of speaking in the absolute ... there is no such thing ... absolutely no such thing.

Find your comfort level, where you feel you fit, and write your derriere off (sorry for the language) ... anyone, anywhere, anytime there is someone willing to share the same passion I have for these structures, that is a place I want to be ...

Here is fine ... there is fine, too ...

Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 11/07/04 03:59 AM

well i posted some pics on the "other" page but i don't think anyone cares about canadian lights, which was my comment prior, there is not much canadian content here
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Still the Best! - 11/07/04 01:05 PM

Hi Ron, ...I really don't visit the other site so would you please share your photos with us here at the Collector Forums? I think I speak for the majority of the regulars who frequent the CF, we all love photos of lighthouses, especially those we are not normally fortunate enough to view.

Post them here and share your work!

smile Bob smile
Posted By: wheland

Re: Still the Best! - 11/07/04 05:46 PM


You know how Americans can be- if it's not part of the US we don't care. laugh

Seriously, though Bob is right we like Lighthopuses from anywhere. I've not been to Canada since I've become a Lighthouse nut so I don't think I've ever been to any Canadian ones.

I used to go to Canada every Summer so my mother could visit her relatives in a little town called Masson in Quebec just across the river from Ottawa. She was born there and moved when she was 5 to a small town in Ny called Tupper Lake.

Post those pictures and you'll get plenty of comments.

Posted By: wheland

Re: Still the Best! - 11/07/04 05:52 PM


I have to both agree and disagree with you. I find that while HL Collectors Forum is the best for what it does- concentrate on Lighthouses beginning from the premise of collecting HL the "other" site- which I assume to be does just as fine a job from the starting point of the lighthouses themselves.

I'd have to give HLCF an 11 on a scale of 1-10 and a 9.5.

There are great people on both sites and in both cases they are very supportive of each other.

I'm on several other forum type sites some connected to websites and some stand alone that are music based- either Poco or the Eagles, mostly- and there is much more disarray and contention on all of them with the non- official site of Good Feelin' To Know (for Poco) being the closest I've found to the HLCF type setup. We mostly get along and when we don't we usually take it off list or we throw the malcontent off the list. This has happened only 2-3 times in the past 3-4 years.

Bottom line- from my experince with various forums, lists, groups on line the Lighthouse sites are the best behaved and helpful to each other as a class and HLCF is the top, but not by much over

Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 11/08/04 04:09 AM

ok, will try tomorrow.
Posted By: seagirt

Re: Still the Best! - 11/08/04 04:51 AM

Looking forward to seeing them! smile
Posted By: Lighthouser

Re: Still the Best! - 11/08/04 01:14 PM

Ron stated in an earlier post...
well i posted some pics on the "other" page but i don't think anyone cares about canadian lights, which was my comment prior, there is not much canadian content here
Ron, in defense of the "other" page,your photos were posted with a link that none of us could open, and a couple of folks posted that they couldn't get in. There are several members "over there" that are generally willing to host photos when needed. If you posted that request, I'm willing to bet you'd be offered plenty of help.

The members on ALWAYS are enthusiastic to have the opportunity to view other members' photos, and they especially enjoy seeing those that are not familiar.

Speaking for the group as a staff moderator, there is a NEED for more photos and information on Canadian Lights, so please try again at as well. I expect you have a lot of knowledge and interesting stories you could share.

Posted By: Grover

Re: Still the Best! - 11/08/04 04:11 PM


I sent you a PM with a very short, very accurate way to get your pictures posted ...

It works here ... it works on the "other" site as well ...

Give it a try ... it works ... Ivory Soap guaranteed ...

Posted By: Bob Ott

Re: Still the Best! - 11/08/04 04:50 PM


Will you send it to me also? I'm still having trouble. Thank You.

Posted By: Grover

Re: Still the Best! - 11/08/04 07:21 PM


Check your private messages .. it should be there ...

Posted By: DANIEL

Re: Still the Best! - 11/09/04 06:14 AM


Will you add me on your list? I never took the time to figure it out.
Posted By: ron154

Re: Still the Best! - 11/09/04 07:31 AM

i tried today but posting and i don't get along. all my photos seem to be just over the limit of the whats free!!!
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Still the Best! - 11/09/04 04:46 PM

The subject has strayed somewhat from the original intent of this thread. So that it may return to its original subject, here is a final post about photos. Please, no more in this thread - see the link at the bottom of the post.

For those who wish to share photos with others here in the Collector Forums, John provides some storage space that you can use for photos that will be shared here in the Collector Forums. It is not difficult to upload and then insert an image link in a posting. Here are instructions on how to upload . At the bottom of the page is a link to the uploads page, and an email address to use if you have a problem.

Thread discussing picture uploads .
Posted By: Grover

Re: Still the Best! - 11/09/04 05:54 PM


To get us refocused, perhaps you would like to restate the "original intent of this thread..." and let us not wander off point again ...

Posted By: Dave H

Re: Still the Best! - 11/10/04 04:53 AM


The original intent of Rich's post was to say that he felt the Collector Forums were the best site on the net for him, and he invited others to chime in with their thoughts. Much spirited discussion on the good and bad of things. However, the recent posts have moved on to photo posting. Not that photo sharing here, and on other sites, isn't a great thing. It's just that it had strayed far from the intended topic in this thread.

Please continue discussing posting photos up in the Forum about these Forums - people will benefit from the discussion. Once you figure how to upload and then display the photos it is a lot of fun. We turned Shortcake into a phot-posting machine once she got the hang of it. It really isn't that hard. Read the page linked above, give it a try, and ask questions if you have problems.

That said, I have conferred with Rich and since this thread is about where we would cut it off anyway, I am going to close it.

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