I've cut back my purchases quite a bit- due to lack of room, cash and enthusiasm.

Here's my thoughts on the merits and likelihood of my purchasing each of the new ones.

I will make a blanket statement that I am definitely pleased with the numbers of the editions.

Southeast Block - A 9. I like the way this is described- actually being able to show the movement. Yes it's been done before, but it's a special one. Definitely a buy.

St Clair Channel - I say a 7. They look nice. A possibillity, but probably would not buy.

Sand Key - I'd give it a 9. I like it. I'd reserve final judgement until seeing it close up, but it would look nice next to Hillsboro (LE) & Sanibel.

Pharos - A 9. I like this one. Would display it near La Coruna. A definite buy

West Point PEI - I'd give it an 8. I like the color scheme (slightly unusual for Canada). A definite possibillity for purchase.

Half Moon Reef - A 7. It has a good look to it, but I probably would pass on this one.

Anclote Key - An 8. Again would fit in great with Hillsboro, Sanibel, American Shoal and Sand Key. A definite possibillity.

St Joseph Point - I'd give it a 7. Would look good next to Boca Grande. A maybe.

Mayport -A solid 6. Nice light. Nothing special. I'll definitely pass on this one.

Dry Tortugas - A solid 5. A nice looking light, but not special. I'll pass.

Colossus of Rhodes - I'm of two minds on this one. I give it a 4 and an 8. Can't really explain it- one minute I think it's a 4, the next an 8. I definitely need to see this one before I can say, but I'd say this is one I'd probably buy.

Chicamacomico -I'd give it a 5. I've not gotten interested in the LSS Series. Will not purchase.
