I understand the cost to make everything has gone up, but with collectables it's a bit more noticable when you change sizes.

Dunkin Donuts, White Castle, & Big Macs don't compare to the size they were a while back, but I don't have an old one around to compare it to(I hope not).

With a collectable lighthouse, you are going to put a new one on tha same shelf as say one from a few years back. When you look at, do you think the real ones must be different in size, but they aren't.

I realize that we can't have all lighthouse replica to the same scale. If so, the Hatteras Beacon would have to be thumbnail size replica next to the Cape Hatteras lighthouse. But wouldn't it make sence to have all tower lights similar scaled, all shoal lights similar scaled, etc.?

(IMO) If they cost more, they cost more!

And I don't believe HL is accomodating many HL collectors who want smaller footprint pieces, explain the Sankaty on the Move piece?

If you want smaller pieces, switch to LLOM's. HL should make every piece in both regular LE size and LLOM size. Collectors Choice!

Stan M
New Jersey Lighthouse Lovers
Harry Wishlist: Tinicum Rear Range, Miah Maull Shoal, Finns Point, Bergen Point, Cross Ledge, Old Ambrose Lightstation, Romer Shoal, Barnegat Lightship, Liberty Lightship.