Harbour Lights had planned to release American Shoal last year, probably mid year. That is why the year is 1999© on the flag.

This is just a guess on my part but I suspect the bases (water portion) were already done and the hold up was probably in the tower. Then when Harbour Lights made the decision to reduce edition sizes and rather than destroy the bases already done, go ahead and use them. This would save both Harbour Lights and the Collector(you) money. This is just my theory but I bet I am real close…….

As for the folder still having the date error, I suspect that these were already produced… including the American Shoal stamp and the stamps inserted in the folders at the same time as the West Quoddy, Hatteras, Admiralty, and Sandy Hook stamps.

SaintWackoPaul '
Keep the Flame

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!