Do you want to be my agent, Bob? lol..

Thanks for the nice words. The main reason I do the close-ups is because not every one has a dealer close enough to go see them. I hope the close-ups at least help collectors take a tour of the sculptures even if they can't hold them in their hands..

I just hope collectors find them useful.. There are so few people posting in the Forums these days that it hard to tell if all of the time I put in on the images is serving a useful purpose or not. I don't want this to sound like I am looking for praise... I just know that the comments are useful to Harry and HL's about the quality of the work and also the choices of the releases each year. This is a perfect "Forum" for feedback.

If collectors like something they need to say so, I know I don't have to encourage people to post if they don't like something because people usually don't hold back if they don't like something; which of course is fine and their right in the Forums. But it also nice to receive positive feed back too.

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!