How many of us only purchased the first version because it was the Society Piece?
A couple of things here...

I get one of every LE because of my auto ship committment. I also purchase every Society piece because of that committment. When it came to the original Roanoke River LE, auto ship or no auto ship, I would have purchased it any way.

Although I had never heard of that light, I think the Harbour Lights rendition was extremely well done and very worthy of being added to my collection. I was also surprised by the colors used to paint the "water". It was very different from what we are used to. I notice the color of the water on the GLOW wil be back to the basic blue used on almost every HL. I feel they should of gone with the colors used on the LE. Maybe they wanted the GLOW to look different from the LE. "It is what it is..." Bill Belichick

cool Bob cool