The first Harbour Lights Lighthouses, I purchased were during the Christmas Holiday in 1997, I was instantly hooked!
Then, I guess, I started out as a Closet Collector but, that didn't last long. The Closet got full.
Then, I put the Harbour Lights Boxes in alphabetical order in a Bedroom. It didn't take long and is almost became impossible to enter the room.
So, I needed to find another area in our home to put the Harbour Lights Lighthouses.
There is an area at the end of a Hall; that had no exposure to sun and had (3) recessed ceiling lights. I could just visualize, the Harbour Lights Lighthouse their.
Now, I had to get the area measured and display shelves made to order! So, patiently, I wait, well not that patiently, maybe.
But, finally everything came together, but, unfortunately, I also continued buying and I already had that area filled. The now, 10 Anchor Bay's would fit nicely at the top of the display shelves!
So, to my Den, I found another area, measured out the area and had additional display shelves made, but, now everything was out on display to enjoy!
But, somehow, I am beginning to run out of room in my Den? So, I will just have another display shelves made!
But, where to I go from here? I don't want to even think of it!
So, if Bill Younger keeps producing Harbour Lights Lighthouses, as he has been, the next step is to find another room! But, where???
Karen :-)