Another first for Cosmo this morning. We were out in the back yard when Cosmo spotted a rabbit for the first time. Needless to say the chase was on.

We have numerous rabbits in the yard due to the fact it is fenced in and the rabbits figure their predators can't get in. My Jack Russell Terrier had gotten so use to the rabbits that he just left them alone, if they didn't move.

Cosmo apparently thought that the rabbit was willing to be a playmate but the rabbit had other ideas. The chase went in and out of the bushes and ornamental grasses with Cosmo close to the rabbits tail. The rabbit was a little more elusive and managed to slip through a very small space in one of the gates. I'm sure the rabbit was thinking, "What the heck happend to the other dog!"

Cosmo was really excited and probably can't wait for his next challenging sprint with a bunny.

smile Bob smile