Thank you Karen for all the info on PCOS. I for one have never heard of the disease. My eyes have been opened, big time.

Just this morning at the breakfast table we were talking about doctors and how they miss so much. One of us at the table is a drug rep and calls on many doctors in the Atlanta area. Some info that was shared recently says that doctors are termed "old" when they are over 40 years old. This is due to the fact that they are not finding what is really wrong with their patients because they are not willing to invest time in research or reading new articles in medical journals and magazines and are comfortable just doing what they have always done. Therefore, they are not able to diagnose and they are prescribing "old" drugs for diseases.

We all are so happy that you are on the road to recovery. Please keep us posted with your continuing progress.


[This message has been edited by Derith Bennett (edited 12-24-99).]