I find gas prices very interesting... There is a major road here in Southern CT (the Merritt Parkway) that has gas station rest stops every few miles. Whenever I drive it, I always find it interesting to watch the price of gas go up. The last three station locations before you reach New York are around Norwalk, Stamford, and Greenwich and you can pass all three of them in about 20 minutes.

Yet, each of the stations have a progressively higher price...you pass Norwalk and it's a little high...and then comes Stamford and it's a little higher...and then you reach Greenwich and it's still even higher. In a matter of a few miles, you can end up paying as much as $0.15-$0.20 higher for a gallon of gas.

Keep in mind that all three stations are Mobil stations and they're essentially identical (and probably owned by the same person/people). What's that old expression..."LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION"!!!

And, one last thing, in today's (02/14) USA TODAY, the headline in the Money section is Gas goes above $2 a gallon. Most of the locations that they quote are in California or around NYC. Knowing that will make it a bit easier to pay $1.70+ in this "neck of the woods".
