First ride - a '55 Buick Special

First Drive - '63 Volkswagen

Cars owned:
'72 Ford Capri (4 cyl. when they were still made in Germany) "MaryAnn"
'74 BMW 2002 "Mitzi"
'84 Honda Accord LX hatchback "Rhonda"
'88 Honda Accord LX 4 door "Da-Do-Rhonda"
'92 BMW 325 "Heidi"
'95 BMW M3 "Schatze" (yeah baby)
'98 BMW 525 "Gretchen"
'99 Volkwsagen Passat V6 "Sasha"

All stick-shift except for Gretchen. I love to drive. Nothing quite like a lighthousing trip, a crisp Fall day, a nice curvy road, and a Bimmer. Rear-wheel drive rulz! And yes, I know the Porcupine joke. :-)