1. The first car I remember riding in was my parents Dodge 4 door sedan with a fluid drive transmission. I don't remember whether it was pre or post WWII. I was only about 5-6 at that time. We took a trip to Florida in it.

2. The first time I drove without a license was in 1956 at age 13. I drove my Uncle's 1950 Chevy pickup truck to the dump from his house. It was about 3 miles and cost him one clutch.

3. My first car was a 1952 Chevy 4 door sedan. I bought it in 1959 for $25.00 from the Army Surplus. It was still painted olive drab with the emblems on the doors sanded off. I painted it black using a paint brush(eat your heart out Erle Schieb)and it got 20 mile to the gallon on gas and 20 mile to the quart on oil. The local gas station use to sell me their old oil for a quarter a gallon.

