[The Harbour Lights war counsel convenes and comes to order]

Moderator: First item of business. What can we do to get France's goat? Yes, Mr. Harnsberger?

Harnsberger: I've got an idea. Let's all smash our La Jument Harbour Lights sculptures to pieces and mail them to Chirac. I mean, we all brought our collections here for Bill Younger to sign---there must be 500 La Juments in this very room. Let's do it! Let's show those French cowards! Rrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Crowd: Yeah! Yeah! That'll fix 'em! Murmur! Murmur!

Moderator: Okay, who wants to go first? Here's a hammer and some safety goggles, don't be shy. Step right up and take a whack!

Crowd: Oh, well, mine's kind of a low number...murmur murmur...already had mine signed, can't destroy Bill's signature...murmur murmur...I think mine has a variation on it, might be valuable...murmur murmur...bought it on my honeymoon...murmur murmur...

Moderator (thinking quickly): Okay, all those in favor of smashing the NEXT French lighthouse Harbour Lights releases and then mailing them to Chirac say Aye.

Crowd: AYE!! Yeah!! Rrrrrrr!! [Applause]

Moderator: Okay everybody...LUNCH! Hamburgers and French fri...I mean EGGPLANT STRIPS!

[Meeting adjourned]