Why do foreigners hate Americans? Is it because we are the land of the free and the home of the brave? We definitely were at one time.

Why do we keep accepting immigrants from the countrys who do not support us only to watch these people turn on us and in some cases, attack us.

Some countries across the pond forgot what the Americans did to save their butts. The french (purposely not capitalized) have short memories. Maybe we should go to france (purposely not capitalized) and remove our dead warriors from their soil and return them to the land they loved and fought so hard to support. They truly made the ultimate sacrifice for something they believed in.

Maybe America should block all imports from france (purposely not capitalized)or at least put a nice tariff on anything from france (purposely not capitalized) to certainly discourage the use of their products.

When we kick Iraq's butt, we should demand that no oil from Iraq's soil will ever go to france (purposely not capitalized). Maybe the french (purposely not capitalized) would like to start drilling for their own oil along the Riviera.

You have to do what you have to do. I do not want to see one drop of American blood spilled in this conflict. I'm in favor of bombing the hell out of them! Bomb until the big white flags are waved every where in Iraq!

This is not going to be a sneak attack. The people in Iraq know it's coming and they know what they can do to prevent it.

Remember 09-11-01...

mad Bob mad