
We can back you up on the fact that the prices that we have gotten between early November through March, and maybe a bit into April, are usually higher than we experience the rest of the year.

We have gotten some high prices during these months that we have been amazed at. We feel that the dealers (or whoever it is out there doing it) who are doing what we see as dumping their inventory at extremely low prices are absolutely affecting the values and probably the sales in the Forum Marketplace. But if we were absolutely honest about it, we have had better success dealing with people on eBay on HL's than we have in our dealings with folks through The Marketplace and we have discussed this at length with St. John. (Can you imagine what our illustrious leader hears from all of us and our varying thoughts and opinions? Aren't we all very happy he is a patient man!)

In areas other than HL's, we are amazed throughout the year at some of the high prices our other sales bring. But with eBay you never know and there really seems to be very little rhymn or reason, except in catagories such as HL's and other limited edition items.

Michael and Karen