Harbour Lights' swan song? I don't think so!

Give this a little thought: Until HL introduced the non-traditional and very rare gold pieces, any collector in the world could readily find each and every HL LE ever made availible for sale. A collector could reach into his or her deep pockets and buy those extremely hard-to-get pieces. Expensive, yes, but it could be done.

Now the Younger family offers an opportunity for "joe-average" collector to attend as many signings as he or she can and have the chance to win an extremely rare HL. You didn't have to be in on the ground floor and have bought your rare piece for $60 ten years ago. You didn't have to cough up many thousands of dollars for a one-of-a-kind piece auctioned off at one of the reunions. All you have to do is request a voucher at your dealer each time you buy a limted edition. Presto!!!, You're in the running for gold!

In my opinion, Harbour Lights has created even more interest in attending Bill or Nancy signings. I applaud their efforts and thank them for coming up with the gold idea. Gold is good for Harbour Lights. Gold is good for those who are fortunate to win. And if you do win gold, you have a very rare HL that is worth many dollars and could be the key for you to trade for more than one very rare HL.

I look at the gold idea as a gift from HL to all those who support their fine company and are lucky enough to bring home the gold.
