From the Resource for complaints against problem sellers thread in the Secondary Market forum:
I was really perturbed that the post had been closed. I found it interesting. I guess censorship is everywhere.

I think the comment about censorship really misses the mark. From what I read, the author of the initial message in the "Warning about ebay seller" thread modified his own message - this is something any message author is free to do. Otherwise, all the messages posted in that thread are intact. The thread was locked but no one has been prevented from posting messages in other threads or reading the messages in any thread.

The guidelines for use of the Secondary Market forum are laid out in the thread 'A New Forum'. Here's a quick link - I suggest folks take a look: Secondary Market Guidelines In my opinion, participation here is a privilege which all may enjoy as long as they are willing to accept the (very minimal) guidelines.

I think E-mail between individuals is a much more appropriate venue for discussing the demerits of buyers and sellers or other gossip about people. While I believe the intentions of the thread and its first message were meant to be helpful and informative, I don't really want to see these forums come to view buyer/seller feedback (or other ad hominem remarks) as acceptable - regardless of their purpose.

My personal opinion is that it doesn't matter if someone feels they have an obligation to comment negatively about a buyer or seller, its not appropriate to this public community.

1. Different vendors have different practices.

2. Readers are not privy to the 'full story' of any two individual's transactions. Those commented upon may not be here to represent themselves or present a different point of view. We have little to go on regarding the relative veracity of various remarks - best just not to make them.

3. There are existing mechanisms in place (on ebay at least) for people to provide feedback.

4. This forum quite frankly should not be expected to absorb the liability for remarks - either well intentioned or off-handed - about the success or failure of business dealings between you and someone else.

5. Caveat Emptor

6. Do your homework - there are plenty of messages on this board about precautions to adopt when transacting for lighthouse models, whether on-line or otherwise.

We can rant and rave all we want about GLOWS, the Statue of Liberty, what's hot and what's not, etc. etc. - but please, let's not rant and rave about other people.

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 08-31-99).]