This is what should be done. A list of all the latest lights available from the founder’s collection should be issued each month to whoever wants one. A collector that is interested in a light that is on the list would contact his dealer and tell the dealer which lights he wants with an alternate for each light he orders. The dealer will send the order into Harbour Lights and HL will take each order in the sequence that they received them. The last day or days of the month will be the day that someone goes to the warehouse and fills the orders by order of date received.
Okay back to what I originally said. One or two times a month one or two people go to the storage and fill the orders. It sounds like that pallets are in some kind of order since HL didn’t make a big deal out of selling the lighthouses in order of oldest to newer. There is an inventory list; I have one right in front of me. They were offered to all interested parties for the first selling of the Founders collection. Of course the inventory has dwindled since then and I am sure that Bill/HL have kept up with the latest inventory. I think sometimes some of you just look for ways for something not to work. I have an excellent idea, it is practical and I don’t see it to be that expensive to enact.