
Thanks for emailing and letting us know what was going on. I will admit I have not been to the forums in some time now. Part of it is that two years ago I lost my income for almost 3/4 of a year, which just put all my purchases to a sudden stop. I still have a lot of my lighthouses, and still love them, and appreciated all that I learned in the forums. I did have to sell some of them. With all that said, I hate to admit it, but it made visiting the forums a little tougher. I enjoyed the "thrill" of finding those hard to get pieces and also enjoyed buying a few of the newer ones, but when I could do neither, it was easier to not visit. I have come back from time to time, but since I haven't bought a lighthouse in over two years, nor have I been able to visit one in over three years, I felt as if I just didn't have anything to say or to add to what already was being said.

All of the things previously mentioned such as the general interest of lighthouses waining, interest changing, the war, the weather, I am sure has had a large influence on the forums slowing down. I would just say that the economic downturn that we had been in the last few years might have made things a little slower in the forums as well.

With all that said, I also would hate to see this forum end. This site is one of high quality with a lot of great people in it. I believe also as mentioned earlier that as the weather changes and people start visiting the lighthouses again, things will pick up.

Let me say at this time "Thank You" to all those who have worked so hard in these forums over the years. They have given many people hours of enjoyment, and information.

Rusty smile