Society Members Reservations... Not practical. Collectors would have to make a decision on a a 2-D photo 6 months in advance so HL could decide how many to produce. They could be easily sold-out before production and dealers wouldn't have any additional ones to sell or show. And low-numbered pieces are already committed to long-time dealers and from those dealers to specific (WACKO) collectors.

Retirement early, short of full edition run... I kind of like this one every once in a while. I don't think it should be a policy like "4 years and you're out!"

No pre-announcement on retirements... I think this is helpful to the marketplace. When HL tells roughtly 2,000 dealers they have 1,000 left, those last 1,000 probably move out quicker than at any time since introduction. It creates the erroneous feeling that this (retiring) lighthouse is HOT. There are lessons HL learned from Alcatraz, Thomas Point, and Sanibel Island that put this decision into play, IMHO.

Early retirement leaves an erroneous 'edition size number' on the flags... So? Let's try some numbers here and see what they remind you of: 266, 988, 1,138, 2,563, 5,428, 7,450. Yes, these were all pieces that were retired early (or resculpted) for other reasons than committing the sin of being on the market too long (well 2,563 was the exception). But so what? Current collectors will have no trouble finding Round Island and Wind Point for 12-18 months or longer. Collectors who start in 2001 may have a harder time. Consider yourself lucky -- just like you think of collectors who started in 1993 or 1994 and bought their Southern Belles for retail.

No one has suggested what else Habour Lights could do that would be 'unexpected'. Any ideas?

Perhaps we should count the "Registration Contest" in with this group.