"Honor is an endangered species. And it is what has built my business."

IMHO one of the things that has built a loyal HL following and made them the best is the willingness of Y&A to stick by their word and be willing to back off, rethink, and admit a problem when the community of collectors have reminded them of a promise they had made. I have been amazed at their willingness to stand by their word even at times when they didn't remember saying something or with the same meaning as the community of trusted collectors had remembered it. I have admired that kind of honesty and loyalty to their customers.

Going back on their word of edition sizes is not a good thing in my mind and could easily come back to haunt them later. It will be another item of confusion for collectors new and old. It took me a long time to understand the status and the meaning behind those pieces that changed from OE to LE.

I also believe the edition size got too big too fast and needs to be scaled back. But going back on a pre-anounced addition size is not a good way to correct the problem. Being able to come up with new meanings of what an edition size is, will destroy the meaning all together.
