In his post, Rich Boyes mentions the collector being able to make an "informed purchase decision". I agree that this is an important aspect of collecting, or for that matter, buying anything. Granted that Y&A has no obligation to be an active part of this process, if Harbour Lights continues down the path of suprise retirements, collectors beware!

If you follow Tim's Factoid #11 - What To Buy spreadsheet, or any other buying strategy/plan, and defer purchase of the older slow movers for pieces on the fast track, these retirements should be kept in mind. A fairly reliable "informed decision" may no longer be possible.

This may not be true for every piece. Round Island & Wind Point won't disappear from dealer shelves overnight, but there aren't many on the shelves in my area. It seems if a piece is a slow seller, chances are a dealer won't order replacements from Harbour Lights once they sell out of their stock of that particular piece, meaning there may not be an excessive number of these pieces on dealer shelves.

Just some points to keep in mind.

-Todd (Limited Edition Post #0162/????)

[This message has been edited by Todd Shorkey (edited 02-07-99).]