Thanks Bob. Nice to know some others DO understand.

Neither of my children (1 each) has any interest in lighthouses, but I'm keeping an inventory which includes the price I paid for each piece. Knowing my son as I do, I sleep well knowing that he'll sell them for at least what I've invested in them, if only to increase his inheritance. He's about as tight with a buck as I am implusive, so I know if I don't live to sell them, they're in good hands.

Now, my daughter would probably do exactly what you wrote of in your last paragraph and THAT keeps me awake nights! Between the two of them and my collection, I've become an insomniac who sleeps best from 4AM 'til noon!!

We just returned from a cruise in Long Island Sound, taking pictures of lighthouses I don't have sculptures of--did I mention I've become obsessed with lighthouses!!