You love apples, especially Red Delicious apples grown on the Riverside Farm (they have a unique flavor which you rave about and must have).
You like to buy them at your local Mom & Pop store (although they are also sold at the big chain supermarket in town).
The Riverside Farm (the grower of these Red Delicious apples) develops another strain of the apples that has its own unique qualities. For whatever reason (maybe due to the fact that the quantity is limited, or the big chain store sells more red delicious apples than any other store) the farmer sells the new strain of apples to only the big chain store.
Should you:
1. Buy some of the new apples from the big chain store and enjoy their uniqueness?
2. Forego trying these new apples as they aren’t in the Mom & Pop store?
3. Get upset with the Riverside Farm for supplying this new apple to only one store?

(CT Keeper)

(CT Keeper)