I imagine Harbour Lights is doing this to take care of one of their great dealers. This allows the dealer to corner the market and make a great profit from the sales of this 1200 series

And there you have your answer why I dislike these kind of promotions. Why does a dealer need to be rewarded for selling, something they need to do, and then give them an exclusive that draws sales from other stores and an initial incentive to purchase from Lighthouse Depot. Great promotional advertising for just one dealer imho.

Now if the story was changed just a bit like Lighthouse Depot was donating a known percentage of profits to this Fog Signal Tower this program might be a little more understandable. I would be even happier if there would be exclusives only sold through lighthouse gift shops. There again there would be people that just don't care for store exclusives.

If this is truly just a reward to Lighthouse Depot for being a great dealer well hoorah for them. How about sending me something free for being an avid collector for all these years? I deserve it, darn it, and so do the rest of you, we all donate what we can to preservation and we don't promote our business or ourselves with every little thing that we do either. I do not mean to cast a fog over Lighthouse Depot. I know Tim Harrison does good things, but rewarding them with some kind of exclusive is not the way to go about it imho if that was the true intent of its being.

This opinion leads me to believe that this being a reward is not the case. I believe it's more likely that Lighthouse Depot is one of the few dealers that can afford to pull something like this off simply because they do have the premier store and mail order catalog.
