I've been holding off on this topic until I read how the comments were going. Now, I going to sum up the decrease in popularity of limited editions in two words, "GLOWS" and "Production". GLOWS were the begiginning of the downfall of limited editions. You can read it on the Forums everyday about someone willing to buy a GLOW over a limited edition because 1) less expensive, 2) better looking and 3) easier to get. My opinion on the GLOW is I'd much rather have 20 LE pieces than 60 GLOWS. At least with the LE pieces I can call myself a "True Collector" of Harbour Lights Lighthouses and not a person that fills shelves with plaster replica pieces. Also, going from 5500 to 10000 production numbers was the second reason LE began to suffer. Again, my opinion. When you have an overproduction of a LE and along comes a GLOW when the LE is still available, the cheaper, better looking and readily available GLOW is what the replica buyers will prefer.

When I was looking for my LE Cape Hatteras I must have made over 100 calls to dealers all over the country before I found it. Even though I paid secondary market prices at the time(1995) and could have bought a GLOW for $50.00, the fun and challenge of finding the LE was well worth the price of the Cape Hatteras. When I finally got my Coquille River(traded 12 LE pieces and drove 750 miles one way to get it) I never even though about a GLOW coming out so I could get it cheaper. Being impatient to get a piece, not wanting to pay the price and looking at the superficial beauty of a GLOW over the "ugly" early edition LE are the main reasons that LE pieces have suffered.

These are my opinions only and I do not want to insult anyone about their GLOWS, but, stop and smell the roses and look at what your GLOWS will be worth 10 years from now versus any LE just coming out. Even if a LE only doubles in value from $60.00 to $120.00, that GLOW will still be worth the $50.00 that you originally paid for it.

Rich confused
