I started innocently enough. I had never seen those neat lighthouse models the collectible stores carried reduced. Then, while eating at a local Mex place on vacation, I saw a 'Buy two, get 40% off!' sign next door. That started it! Then, I found this site - and a listing for a local collector who had bought out a large store's H-L stock. I got many lights for 25-30% of list. Then I visited the local dealers... they were dropping H-L, and I got more bargains.

My wife's Harmony Kingdom 'Treasure Jest' collecting started about the same time... and still continues... at full speed ($1,700 worth in the last two months!). Interestingly, her 200+ pieces fit in one large all-glass display. My similar lized H-L collection is in three rooms - with ~40 now boxed and put away - just not enough room. Sometimes, those LLOMs - and a magnifier glass - sounds like a good idea.

My last H-L purchase was four years ago this November. There are no H-L dealers left within 100 miles of me. The only one I know of in the state is actually the one that started this madness - in Gulf Shores. I attribute my waning interest to that - and my having been spoiled by too many too fast - and, too cheaply. I finally had to feel good if I could get retail and free shipping. And - I had to order them through the mail - sight unseen. The demise of the club bulletin didn't help, either.

So, my interest would rise - and fall - due to the closing of local H-L sellers. Anyone else experience this?


PS Anyone have a delivery truck - and want a low-priced collection?