Okay, now we conclude. You must be half asleep by now. Well, maybe Rock's post perked you up midpoint. laugh

Over my posts, which I cannot figure out how to combine on my internet setup (AOL, really hard to work with several windows, I'll combine when I get home), I have brought up several points to what will bring the demise of LEs.

  • Toursits are the market for lighthouses, and the lights they visit are now worth hundreds or thousands and are not of the quality level that the average person would want to display.
  • Bill and Nancy are getting toward retirement, and being the heart of HL, may cause the whole thing to end.
  • The non-lighthouse loving HL collectors, who were what were keeping the big LEs alive, sold it all off, leaving the flooded market to us.

So, maybe one day soon, there will not be LEs. I will dread that day, and hope it doesn't come for a VERY long time. But when it does, we can't say that we didn't see any signs.

As long as the CF is here to talk about them forever, I'm happy! laugh