This thread is a continuation of the original message of the same name.
Read the first 50 messages here in the FSB at: Part I

Well, what if it was a Limited Edition re-issue of Portland Head? [vbg] An edition size of, oh - how 'bout 2,563? HL could do this maybe once every two years or so.

No one is intentionally 'designed out' - its just another Limited Edition, albeit a bit more limited than the standard releases. At least as many people get the opportunity to buy one of these as they did when Burrows Island was released. And its not nearly as limited as, say NPL or REXA. At the initial release everyone has the same opportunity to acquire one.

I agree with you about the profit. But if HL can get close to break even, think of it as part of the cost of doing business. Its a marketing gimmick intended to create a sensation and draw excitement to the line as collectibles. And yes - the dealers would love it. Folks would pay more attention to displays, always checking to see if there is something 'particularly new'.

I'm not sure if I buy into this concept, but as a theoretical exercise the idea certainly is intriguing. I understand your concern, we'd have to see if this hurt the 'fun' part or actually enhanced it. (Don't have a clue about what you mean with reference to 'family atmosphere' being affected - other than the emotive value of the phrase). A piece with an edition size of 2563 might do a lot more to shore up demand than one with an edition size of 10000.

The market is supported from above not below. If the price of New Canal drops 20% there's little impact - if the 'accepted' street price of St. Augustine drops 20% this will ripple throughout the line. Insure the top is healthy and the bottom takes care of itself.

I do hope folks see the relevancy of this (admittedtly half-baked) idea to the issues developed in this thread regarding a suggestion to do a re-designed Coquille, etc.

Stirring Sean's pot at the FSB,
/im :-)

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 01-03-99).]