More musings on what Harbour Lights can do to increase demand for their so-called "collectibles"*

1) Instantly retire all pieces from 2000-2002. Now. Today. This very second.

2) Give each limited-edition a production run of no more than 12 months.

3) Offer a buy-back program to retailers. Pay 75 cents on the dollar for any "flag" sent to HL headquarters. Sure, the retailer loses a little money, but it's better than having inventory gathering dust.

4) Sponsor occasional sale days to Collectors Society members. There are over 20,000 active members, and this would be a good way to get rid of inventory. Minimum discount: 50%

5) Create a brand new line of "super limited" editions at premium prices. This, to me, is actually an exciting prospect. Totally re-sculpt all the favorites in unbelievable detail (Portland Head, St. Augustine, Hilton Head, etc). Edition size: 500. Price: $200 each.

Chew on that for awhile.

*For entertainment purposes only, since these things will never happen.