I think the following are a wow:

Avery Point
Cedar Key
North Block Island.
Yorktown Lightship Lense.

My next one is fantastic and would be a wow if it wasn’t the fact that many of the features have been done before with other lights.

Middle Island

These are my list of plain Janes.

Egmont Key
Portland Head winter

First of all I would buy them all if I had the room and still had my two-digit auto shipment. But since I don’t

I will narrow it down to Egmont Key since it is a Florida Light. And the Yorktown Lightship Lense. Maybe North Block and Cedar Key if I can figure out were to put them.
I have no desire to buy the Portland Head. To me it looks like a Glow with snow on it.

But as John has said we need to see them in person before making the final judgement.