Hey Orv, ... I agree with you. Why number Glows if they are only considered giftware that some people think will be available forever.

I feel HL numbers Glows to give the buyer, he or she, the feeling they are buying a collectible. Numbering makes each piece unique. It sets it off from the others by that number on the flag.

Numbering also gives HL an opportunity to make adjustments mid stream without having their product sent to the bargain basement at 2 for $10. Past practice has shown OE's becoming LE's, and LE's becoming OE's. It has shown us edition numbering with and without a prefix on OE's. This type of marketing keeps the collector's heading for the dealers hoping to find a rare piece.

Some collectors will never consider a Glow aka OE a collectible. They believe a Glow will never be worth more than you paid for it. I have a similar feeling about a few of the LE's, they may never be worth more than I paid for them. You know what? I don't care if they will or won't be worth more. I bought them because I wanted them.

Glows are not giftware. They are a numbered collectible which in some cases might be made in amounts greater than the current editions of limited editions. Yet in other cases the entire amount manufactured may be less than the current amount made of a particular limited edition.

In conclusion, I would like to present a "giftware vs collectible" scenario:

Potential new collector goes in a store and sees an older LE and a newer OE sitting on the shelf. (i.e. Spectacle Reef and the Key West Glow). He or she has been told that LE's will be worth more than OE's (possibly) in the future. Which piece do you think he or she will purchase to proudly display in his or her home? My bet it would be the Key West Glow. Giftware at its finest? No, it's a numbered collectible.

Does anyone else out there regret throwing away all those metal lunch boxes you had when you were a kid because they made a million of them without numbering them?

Glows = Giftware ............NO!
Glows = Collectible .........YES!


Hey Orv...sorry if I rambled a bit in replying to your post.