although I'm aware some dealers have perptuated this terminology.

I wonder where they ever got that terminology, which the dealers are perpetuating?

The Tugboat Toledo and the Skipjack Nancy were retired on September 15, both as Regular and as Special Editions. Orders received from dealers as of that date are being filled as Special Editions only. Regular Editions of the remaining three issues of 1997: the Lightship Huron, Motor Yacht Kim, and Sardine Lori are retired effective immediately, according to Kim Andrews. "We will continue to ship the Special Editions of these pieces until the 4,000 limit is reached."

But there I go comparing Ships to Lighthouses and everybody knows that isn't comparing apples to apples, although it is stating the words "retired effective immediately".

WackoPaul '
Keep the Flame

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!