"It appears that the amount of these retired Glows is far less than the current edition run for limited editions. Interesting..."

Isn't the current run of limited editions set at 10,000? Isn't a manufactured piece considered to be retired when the manufacturer decides they will stop making that exact model ?

Some folks might consider a comparison of limited editons to open editions is like comparing apples to oranges. Well LE's and OE's are both Harbour Lights just as apples and oranges are both fruits.

I consider Glow editions of HL's as collectibles and not giftware, especially if production of a Glow has been stopped at a total number far less than the current editon run of limited editions. Limited editions will always carry more value in a secondary market and that really makes me feel great that my children will be afforded the opportunity to make money off my collection when I'm on the other side of the grass.

If anyone is a diehard limited edition collector who only collects LE's of HL's, then you are missing out on many beautiful pieces for your collection. Take a trip down to your local dealer, take the heavy rubber band off your limited edition wallet, and purchase a few of those new Glows to dress up your HL display at home.

By the way, you had better contact the publishers of "The Genuine GREENBOOK Guide Devoted Exclusively to HARBOUR LIGHTS, 1998/1999 Premiere Edition" and advise them they are misleading collectors by posting the status of HL 402, HL 403, HL 404, and HL 414 as retired.

FWIW - I thank Harbour Lights for doing such a wonderful job on manufacturing both LE's and OE's. Obviously, they listened to their collectors when they decided to revise four of their open editions. I can't wait to add those to my collection.

Have a great day!
