Well, seems Rich has struck on an interesting topic here...

Personally, I tend to visit the forums 3-4 times a week, rarely logging on or posting, unless I have something to add that I think may help the topic. Even before I received Johns email I posted 3 times in one day, rare for me! Of my three posts, only 1 has generated some interest, my quest for info. on Michigan City E. pier. My post in "The Rumor Mill" has received around 3 responses, and my post on Boon Island's production #'s hasn't seen a single response. Maybe no one has this info., but then again maybe people who have Boon Isl. could post their serial # and we could have the "fun of the hunt" of trying to obtain it the hard way. My post on Michigan City seems to have generated some interest, so why not try to get everyone interested in this sort of thing? I know I would be intererested in, for example, trying to find out where Canadian production ended and Malaysian started on any given piece. Just an idea.

Finally, I believe the CF to be a wonderful asset to the HL community, and I hope it regains its former glory.
