This thread is one of the reasons that I have continued to support the forums in spirit, if not in actual posts. There are few days that go by that I do not take a few moments to look over the new posts and see what is happening. Although I know there are other lighthouse forums out there, I have not taken the time to visit them. I usually can only log in after I get home from work and since I only have a short period of time on the web, I have to be selective in what I look at. Usually it is email, ebay (for lighthouses I might be interested in), my financial sites, and the Collectors Forum. Once and a while I may have a few minutes to surf the web, but not often.

If I was to classify myself for these forums it would be as someone who only takes the time to post when I feel I can contribute, or feel strongly about a subject. I would consider myself as fairly knowledgeable about some HL subjects (those are what I try to share), and passionate about others, where I usually say more than I should. I have expressed my opinions on occasion and they have been appreciated, and on other occassions I have been critically analyzed for my comments. But in both cases I have found that those who respond are normally as involved and passionate as me in their opinions, and love of lighthousing. This is something that it would be bad to lose should the forums go away. This forum has not only moved my love for lighthouses to a higher level, but it has given me a place to learn more about my passion from those that share the enjoyment with lighthouseing in general, and Harbour Lights in specific.

If I was to offer advice as to how keep this forum viable I would offer the following:

1. Continue to encourage the 1000+ wackos to post unabated. Their commitment is not only informative, but their ongoing interaction is a great vehicle for insight from the "masters", or "committed" ones. Their commitment in time and effort is enviable and I wish I had the time to join in at their level. They are the ones that make the forums what they are.

2. Have the moderators "moderate" more. That means strands like this one that keep the ball rolling, or jump start it when the posts get thin. I know it is a sgnificant time commitment by them, but they need to understand that they are the ones that set the direction, tone and involvement in the posts for their area. Sometimes they need do nothing, but sometimes they need to jump in and get things going. Also it may take some new blood on occasion, but as other have said times, and interest change, and maybe there are some that need to step aside for whatever reason. A rule of thumb is that if you can't find a moderator to stay involved, then maybe the topic should retire with the thanks of all for the time they gave.

3. Continue to evolve the forums. When I started with the forums I was only interested in selected areas, but over the years I have on occasion dropped in on areas like lighthouse photography, the tip sheet, secondary market, rumor mill, and the fog signal building. For many of these topics I never had an interest, or for some they not even around at one time. However, they all hold a special interest to some segment of members. There is now areas for a wide variety of LH lovers, and even though some sections may seem to be for a "good ole boys club", I don't think the "main" members in these section would do anything but encourage you to participate. I just wish I had more time to get into the postcard group.

4. Keep John as the webmaster. Over the years I have watched the evolution of the collectors forums be molded by John's leadership and web skills, which have continued to make this site a leader in innovative and enduring web site design. If $25 dollars a year would keep this site moving forward give me an address to send the check to. Harbour Lights (the company) and Harbour Lights (the collectors) don't know what a gem they have in John.

As with most evenings that I log into the forums, I have finished my glass of wine, and have taken an enjoyable chunk of time to express my love for lighthousing. This to me is what the forums are all about, a chance to relax and enjoy something that makes the worries of the day fade, while involving me in a special joy. Don't think that a lack of posts is any indication that there are not those like myself that are not interested, or involved. Maybe something as simple a a daily web counter would prove the interest and involvement of others like myself. Thanks for the opportunity to express my opinion, and share my thoughts with other "wackos", even if my personal count is in visits, not posts.