John-Thanks for the email. I have been busy with first of the year details and had not checked the site.

I took the time to read all the previous post and appreciate the detail some of the members have gone to in expressing their opinions. I have been around from the beginning, even though my post numbers are small. At one time I was checking the Forums 5 to 6 times a day to keep up with the conversations. When I had something of interest and note, I would post a comment. Unfortunately there is less time each year (am I getting older?) and less opportunities to check.

I still make a point to catch up with the Forums at least a couple of times a week. I still only post when I think I have something new to share with the members. BUT I do post, even if only infrequently. From the sounds of other comments, there are many, just like myself, that consider themselves members even if they are not on the 'cutting edge' of the discussions.

I have always considered your efforts on our behalf above and beyond the call of duty. I contributed at the last call and would (will) certainly contribute now. Contrary to some thoughts here, I am sure that you would get at least 100 people to participate in supporting the Forums.

Some have stated that they 'disagree' with comments on the Forums, direction HLs in headed, clickishness of the members. I find this interesting. If everyone here had the same thoughts and ideas, what a dull place this would be.

Please continue the Forums and call on me for support if needed, I'll be here.

Rich cool