Hi Everyone.

First and foremost, Keep the Collector's Forum going. For those of us in land-locked states, like Colorado, It provides a way to keep up on what lighthouse groups are doing and participate in their raffles. It lets us see pictures and share info on HL regional events. It gives us a way to chat and visit with fellow lighthouse lovers in the lighthouse blessed states.

Second, I would gladly pay $25 to help pay the costs of the Forums.

Third, I don't post very often because I just don't feel like it. I love reading everyones thoughts and opinions and sometimes I am moved to write, but usually I don't feel strongly enough
about the subject matter to bother. That's just me.

Fourth, after collecting everything lighthouse related HL produced since my wife and I first discovered them in 1996, we now only collect the limited editions and collector society related pieces. Someday we hope to get and original Cape Hatteras and Coquille to complete our collection of limited edition but we are not holding our breath. Money was one part of the decision. Space
was another.

Fifth, I visit the forums about once or twice a week. That is enough for me. I read the posts in the sections that interest me and move on.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who is a part of the forums. From John C. for all his work to Paul B. for all the pictures to Bill H. with his reviews to all the other forum members. Your opinions, thoughts, etc. make the forums interesting to read and provoke thought. Sometimes the subject area causes things to get heated but generally everyone stays polite.


Randall Ronne
President - Colorado Lighthouse Collectors Society
New Dungeness Light Station Association