Wow, Rock. Sorry you feel that way. I certainly have not encountered the experience you have.

I will admit, I am by no means a "diehard" HL collector. We mainly only purchase the Long Island lights and a few of the Fresnel lenses. We just don't have the room or money to collect all the items that HL produces. Therefore, I don't come to this forum to talk HL, per se. I come here to learn about lighthouses and share information (events, news, etc.). I've been fortunate to meet several of the folks who frequent this board, and have found them to be wonderful.

I do want to respond to one of Rock's comments: " of the precious few around here who doesn't have his nose crammed firmly up one of the Younger's behinds..."

I certainly don't consider myself as having my "nose crammed" you know where. However, I am a former member of the Board of Directors for a local lighthouse organization. At our very first meeting ever, Bill flew out to Long Island to appear and brought LLOM to give out. That is just one example of the Youngers' generosity, which they have shown not only my organization, but numerous others across the country over the years. I don't kiss anyone's behind, but I AM APPRECIATIVE of the Youngers and what they do to support lighthouse preservation. They have certainly played a role in our efforts.

Do I think HL/BY/YA are perfect? Nope. Do I agree with every decision they make? Nope. But it is their company, and they can run it anyway they see fit. And I don't need to purchase every item they create.

/off soapbox
