Well, you've got an ally here, Dennis. Whether they like it or not, those who serve in the armed forces are upholding---at the risk of their very life---our right to speak out against our leaders and how they're running the country. And yes, even to turn our back on the flag if we choose. I'm sure Toni (or whoever she is) wasn't directing her protest at soldiers---it was directed at the people who, in her mind, have tarnished what the flag means to her (politicians). What's the old adage: "I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death your right to say it."

Sadly, there are those who feel that such displays of expression are the only way they can draw attention to their view. Personally, I feel writing a letter to my elected officials---or the editor of my local paper---is effective enough. She chose back-turning as her modus operandi. Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin would vigorously defend her right to do that.

I find a great deal of arrogance in statements like, "America: Love it or leave it." I say, "America: Respect its ideals...and please speak out!" There is such complacency in this country (check out the percentage of people who actually vote) that we risk turning into an empire. Thank goodness we have the dissenters who speak out---who write the books and articles, who fill web sites, who march, who let our leaders know that they work for ALL of us. And I'm talking about liberal dissent, conservative dissent, religious dissent, atheistic dissent...the whole ball 'o wax. Bring it on.

And with all due respect, our flag is not owned by veterans only. It belongs to all of us equally because it represents all of us equally. When the warm weather arrives, mine will be back on its pole in the front yard, honoring everyone who ever bore the privilege of U.S. citizenship---the good, the bad, and the ugly.