I do understand your point. I am not saying to revoke anyone's citizenship over the issue. I just know that the flag stands for America and the Freedom that our beautiful country brings. Does turning away from the flag mean that you are not honoring the people who fought to make this country free? The flag will be an enduring symbol, like many of our lighthouses.... But I would hate to think that people turn their backs on it, like so many lighthouses that are left to be lost forever. Other people may see someone turn their back and think that it's okay to do the same. I don't think it's okay to turn away from it. Nothing against anyone's opinion, please understand.

Marblehead, Mass. Lighthouse, you will always have a very special place in our hearts. ....We've made the journey as far south as New Jersey, as far north as Canada. Over 100 lighthouses visited.... and so many more to go.