I saw it on the news and again on a re-run of "Inside Edition", earlier this morning.

A female student and basketball player, I believe her name was Toni Smith, at Manhattanville College near New York City, refuses to face the American Flag during the playing of our National Anthem. She claims she's protesting the current policies of the government of our country.

This has disturbed many veterans and other true Americans. She has drawn press from all over our country and some international media.

As one veteran put it, "Our Flag stands for the freedom and liberty that so many Americans have fought for and given their life for." "The flag doesn't stand for the government."

The tragic events of 9-11-01 have changed the lives of everyone in America. Things will never be the same as they were before.

I consider myself a true American and what Ms. Smith is doing is an insult to me and every other citizen of the United States.

I believe everyone has a right to their own beliefs, BUT if you do not respect our Flag, our Nation, and you do things to disrespect it, then you should no longer enjoy the rights and priviledges of living in a free nation like America. America, love it or leave it!

This also applies to those who choose to try to embarass our country by going to Iraq and joining the enemy as human shields. I say revoke their U.S. Citizenship and never let them back into this country. Let their pictures appear on Time magazine living in disgrace with the enemy. Their life span should be cut by about 75% over there.

Our Flag stands for our country, and not the government that is elected to run it. Elected officials change on a regular basis. What our Flag stands for never changes! If Ms. Smith doesn't like the Bush Administration, I would recommend she puts a "Don't blame me, I voted for Gore" bumper sticker on her back, and vote accordingly in the next election.

mad Bob mad