Look in the directory at the top of the page, and browse the list by member status. Here's the breakdown:

10 Saints
17 Cruise Directors
29 Super Wackos (500+ posts)
191 Wackos (50-499 posts) (or so)
1,130 Newbies.
Total of 1377 members. Wackos and Newbies approximated, as for some reason, when you search by Member Status, you can only get 60 results. The only groups of posters under 60 are the ones for those who are active daily members of the community.

To put all that info into perspective, here's a pie chart I whipped up in PowerPoint:

You can see how many people are newbies. I could go further and diffrentiate the almost-wacko newbies from the 0-post newbies, but we don't really have that many almost-wackos right now.

You can see how many people we have as members who don't do anything on the forums. The portion of devoted CF members is very small. Even all the members with 50+ posts combined don't even make up a quarter of the total. The list says there are 1377 members, but the truth says about 200. frown