I have to agree with Daniel on the reasons for lack of WOWs. You have to have people(collectors) interested in the Forums. They are the ones to make a piece a WOW or not. They don't have to buy the piece to think it's a WOW but they must post and let you know their thoughts at least. They must also actively post even if they buy as many lighthouses as
they use to, for whatever their reasons. If you are interested in lighthouses, or in particular Harbour Lights and you are a member of these Forums, you should find a few minutes a day to throw in your thoughts on at least some of the topics that are a part of these Forums. I said it several years ago that I think the Lighthouse Craze is coming to an end and the non-serious collectors or dablers in lighthouse collecting are abandoning both their collections and these Forums. The serious collectors are still buying Harbour Lights(any flavor) and posting as much as they can. The lack of interest by the bigger majority of Forums members is truly disheartening. I for one visit the Forums at least three times a day and usually try to post at least once a day from my home(not allowed to post from work), but, it's awfull hard to post or reply to a post when hardly any new posts are done in a 24 hour period. Also, when you do post a new subject your lucky if you get 2-3 responses.

So in closing, my thoughts on the subject of WOWs is this: Harbour Lights is continuing to put out WOWs as they used to. WOWs are in the minds of the collectors and a WOW to me may not be a WOW to Daniel, Bob OTT, Bob M or any other BOB. The thing that makes a WOW is the enthusiasm of the collector or Forum Member and his/her posting their thoughts on why it is a WOW to them. We no longer have a large amount of interested collectors or Forum Members making these posts so how can anybody get excited when they are apparently posting to themselves and a few still interested individuals. I never thought that I would be saying this but I think even the Forums are a thing of the past and are dying a slow death. If the spirit is not revived real soon they will not be around too much longer.

These are the thoughts of flacoastie and I approve these thoughts.
