Daniel said,
I think there are many wows but we are so accustom of HL coming out with fantastic lighthouses that we take them for granted.
I think that's exactly the case. The HL's have improved so much over the past couple of years, that each piece is fantastic.

The photos are great, but hardly do them justice. So, with every new piece I receive, I'm WOW'ed!

Who could not be impressed once they unbox that new piece and hold it in their hands? Just turning it for a different view unveils yet more detail.

Every new piece that comes into my home stays "out" for awhile before finding it's spot on the shelves. That's because I want to get to know it and admire every angle.

Maybe that sounds like I'm a fairly new collector,and just awed by the HL craftmanship, but I've been faithfully collecting Harbour Lights since 1992.

I will also take my stand on GLOWS...they are GREAT, and I love the new lighted ones!

On an ever so slightly different note, the Younger family continues to WOW me. They are so generous to the lighthouse community, and what a lovely family!

Judy smile
