I buy many of the newer les but in the past have refused to buy because of blatant mistakes in the architecture 2 I can remember off the top of my head are chatham and cape florida The first piece I purchased was Chatham Whenit was taken home and placed on the shelf I kept looking at it and said to myself something is wrong then got out my pictures of it and noticed lo and behold thats not Chatham light it has 3 dormers so I reboxed it and took it back to the dealer who said to me it must be Chatham it says so here on the box then I showed him the photo of the real Chatham and he was dumbfounded.but he returned my money.It was a while before I got into HLs again but only after careful inspection and when I was about to buy Cape Florida I looked it over in the store and found the windows facing the water were wrong.I now have 115 HLs but they are all correct I consider my self a collector of HLs but also own others because as I have said before I consider myself acollector of historynot just of replicas and would like as many correct lights as possible.Bill O'Brien

Bill O'Brien