That was an interesting and amusing concept, Mike, to try and get a series of yes and no answers with no additional comments from members of the forum. You should have known after viewing the discussions that take place here, particularly after doing so for over two years, that forum members (although there may be a rogue out there somewhere) are virtually incapable of answering a question without also tacking on an expanation of the answer and then commenting on the explanation. Well...., me too. That's the fun of the forums.

Wait....what was the question? Oh yeah, LE vs GLOW, which somehow mutated from whether it was acceptable to buy a HL piece at less than full price under your real name. First, a quick (yeah, sure) comment on buying at less than retail (the original discussion). Assuming that HL retailers still incorporate about a 100% mark-up on their product you could set a few psychological buying guidelines and institute a labeling system for buyers. First of all, regarding any purchase that you may have paid above retail you would, of course, never be able to talk about that situation publicly. Admitting to buying above retail, regardless of how badly you wanted the piece, would certainly lower your worth in the estimation of any longtime or even moderately capable shopper. Probably even small children would snicker behind your back. You would be labeled as "brain dead" and deservedly so. The one possible exception might be if the item were to be part of a charitable raffle. Then the description could be modified to "brain damaged-philanthropist". Buying at retail or at 100% of the listed price puts you in the plain vanilla, middle of the crowd category of "buyer". These are people with no obserable ambition or drive, no sense of adventure, and who probably drive Volvos because they're safe. They tend to actually buy things because they need them and who, for the most part, don't carry or even clip coupons. Drinking chocolate milk would be a bold move in their lives. So what would be next? Well, on any purchase from retail down to 75% you could be considered as having exercised an excellent buying strategy. This could be called a "bargain" and would generate great acclaim and respect from your peers. This would be considered socially acceptable behaviour and could be mentioned and even bragged on in the forums and during selected chats when actual HL personnel might not be present. Anything from 75% down to perhaps 50% means that you are starting to cut heavily into the dealers profit and this type of transaction could be termed "a steal". This is a purchase secretly envied by all those who did not find a similar purchase opportunity. This type of purchase, however, can't be publicly acknowledged as being good, so here you get private respect and public apathy. Next is the 50% to 25% range. This, of course, is not "a steal", but rather is "stealing". Here you've obviously taken advantage of someone - either the dealer who must sell to recoup at least part of his investment (and likely will not be able to make his next mortgage payment or feed his children) but who at least knows what the original cost was or an individual who may know the cost and not care (it was a gift) or who may not know the cost and who may or may not care even if he or she did know the cost (likely purchased at a garage sale - see below). At this level your peers, although still jealous of the purchase, are not even allowed to privately complement your business acumen. At best you might hear (but only secondhand) a "wow, did you hear about Bill picking up that Hatteras mold 2 for $150? Wasn't that something?" This statement allows the buyer to tell any outsider who might have accidently overheard the conversation that he was actually referring to how badly he really felt for the poor seller while knowing that his friends will understand because many of them also had $150 and were very upset that they didn't get there first. Finally, there is the category inclusive of purchases ranging from 25% to 0. This, of course, actually is second generation or first degree "stealing". However, since "stealing" has already been used we could simply call this category "garage sale-ing", meaning a totally ignominious, disgraceful, and demeaning type of activity. At this level the buyer in 95% of all documented cases will actually tell everyone that he purchased the piece at 76% of retail, thereby clasifying himself as an exceptional "bargain" hunter. By the way, this person will not even tell his or her spouse the real cost. I trust that this clarifies whether buying at less than retail is acceptable.

Now, to the mutated question of LE's vs GLOW's.

LE's - Yes
GLOW's - Yes
LL'sOM (bonus category) - Yes
Any more versions or variations, remoulds, resculptures, on the move or remaining perfectly still variants, paint patterns, sizes, views, or felt differences of Cape Hatteras - No