Bobo does make a point, especially for our low number autoships.

You can give up your piece to your dealer and let someone walk in and buy your double or low-triple digit Barking Rocks for $125. You keep the $125. Buy a tank of gas with it.

Or, you can take the BR that you're entitled to, shove it in a dark, humidity-free corner of your home, and pull it out in two, three years. Plop it on eBay.

Now you have might two tanks of gas. Maybe even three. Four if you drive a Prius. Depends on the market (HL and gas).

There will only be 1500 of these. It is atrocious?


But the real beauty of this piece may lie beneath, and if you give up a low number on it, and the market skyrockets, you may be kicking yourself come 2009.

It's a gamble, yes, but one could make out quite well on it, too.

Think of it as an investment instead of a Harbour Light. Something that hasn't been possible in a while. Could it tank? Yes. But could it soar? Yes. With a run of 1500, I see much more of the latter.