
The original intent of Rich's post was to say that he felt the Collector Forums were the best site on the net for him, and he invited others to chime in with their thoughts. Much spirited discussion on the good and bad of things. However, the recent posts have moved on to photo posting. Not that photo sharing here, and on other sites, isn't a great thing. It's just that it had strayed far from the intended topic in this thread.

Please continue discussing posting photos up in the Forum about these Forums - people will benefit from the discussion. Once you figure how to upload and then display the photos it is a lot of fun. We turned Shortcake into a phot-posting machine once she got the hang of it. It really isn't that hard. Read the page linked above, give it a try, and ask questions if you have problems.

That said, I have conferred with Rich and since this thread is about where we would cut it off anyway, I am going to close it.
